Monday, December 05, 2005
The Paradox of Suffering

Thursday, November 17, 2005
The Splendor of His Creation
I was extremely lucky the locals told me, for this particular week was unusually clear and sunny. Traveling to the Northwest can truly be an adventure, not knowing what kind of weather you will get, but I was pleasantly surprised with my good fortune on a recent business trip.
I have been in Portland Oregon only once before and it was shrouded in clouds then so I missed out on seeing how awesome the surrounding area is. The city lies on the border of Oregon and Washington and is separated by the Columbia river. One of the most incredible sites you can see in the continental US is the view of Mt. Hood from the city. On a clear day (which doesn't happen very often) it rises out of the rest of the foothills. While not a large mountain in comparison with others in the US at only 11,000 feet, what makes it so spectacular is the fact that it is very close to the coast and rises straight from sea level which makes the 11,000 feet seem more like 17,000. And it has a very traditional pointed mountain shape which adds to the mystique.
Why I am pining over a mountain you ask? Well, on my way home our plane circled the mountain and from the right widow you had a perfect view and on through the left window you could Mt. St. Helens as well. Both were equally majestic and knowing that both are semi-active volcanoes only added to their allure.
As I sat in the plane I thought about the wonder of this creation and about the wonder of their Creator.
In Romans 1:20 it says that since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen and that nobody has an excuse for not believing.
Power, wonder, majesty, and mystique are all awesome attributes that our God has poured into His creation.
Monday, November 07, 2005
The Wind of Change...or just more updates
I just wanted to let those of you know who have subscribed to the updates via email that we have switched feed services. The previous service went down for quite awhile and had no available customer support, so we have switched to a more reliable feed service. What does this mean for you? Not much, except that you might notice that your updates are now coming from a different source. You don't even have to re-subscribe. Speaking of updates, there should be a lot more posts in the near future as we are beginning to implement some new ideas as it comes to the web site. Stay tuned, and if you would like to receive all the latest information via email just type your email address in the box to the right and hit the button. We do not give out your email address. Your privacy is very important to us.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
The first service of Lakeside Fellowship is in the books! God was working in incredible ways as we saw over 45 people including 8 visitors attend the inaugural service. The Subra Family has transformed their game room loft into a very cozy meeting spot.
Pastor Dave preached a great message from Matthew 5 which focused on truly being a "different church." We want to be different as reflected by our actions and not just our words. It is our prayer that our lives and not necessarily our words will impact the community.
Check back soon for pics of the first service.
We will be meeting same bat time same bat channel next week! Join us for an exciting time of fellowship, singing, and teaching from God's Word.
By the way, the title is supposed to read how the guy from the monster truck rallies does it. So go back to the top and read the title again - the article will be that much more exciting then...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Survey Information
This message is from Kurt Subra.
Jenny and I will be gone Saturday morning for our kids sporting events. We should be home by noon. We could use some help getting chairs (and any other items brought out) into the meeting room. We'll be at Saylorville Friday night and will bring chairs from there.
If you're coming to our place first on Saturday (bringing kids out) could you please assist in carrying chairs upstairs? We'll probably have 50 or so. We'll unload them in one of the garage stall before we leave on Saturday morning. There is a side door on the west side of the garage that we don't lock, and most likely one of the garage doors will be open.
Jenny can assist in watching kids after noon.
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